Monday, July 9, 2012

Living a balanced life: Sing, dance, sit with silence

Currently reading articles on COMPASSION FATIGUE....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

In the past two days, I have started fasting. My intentions are varied. God knows know my heart. I have been praying the same prayers all over again. But my heart is faithful to God. I am submitting to his will. I want to make peace with myself and let God take over the situation. 

Make my heart be calm oh Lord and make me accept the things you have prepared for me. 
I have tried doing things my own way but your will be done oh Lord. 
Many are the days I have shy away from you. Yet you invited me back into you loving embrace. 
Make me whole again father God and never let go of me. 
Purify my heart and make me worthy. Amen

Monday, July 2, 2012

Managing Finances

Because it is never easy to pay your bills and see your credit card SOA every month.
How can one manage his finance?