Monday, April 14, 2008

Last Round for the Road

i am gonna miss my bf... i mean to say my ex. we broke up month ago. it was a hasty decision for me. however, i have no choice. i've been continuosly hurt by the fact that i have to share him with somebody else.

nevertheless, we continued exchanging messages and it really made things worse.. how can i get over him?

shit happens...

Monday, April 7, 2008

i cut my hair short

i decided to have my hair cut this afternoon. i realized i've been wearing the same hairstyle for a long time. i am dying to do this during school. unfortunately, i have to make a bun during those times... finally, i've been emancipated from duty...hehehe... i am free to do whatever i desire with my hair now. ;P
thanks for a lengthy vacay...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pain and Loving

A friend sent me this. The message isn’t new. But this is a reawakening.

It ain't love that hurts, it’s the absence of it that does. Who says time heals? You don’t get over the pain, you just learn to get along and live with it, through time.

Getting Over an Infatuation

I am working on a plan on how to get over an infatuation. Cruel world. Why am I always into somebody who doesn't even know I exist. I feel so invisible and i don't like the feeling. Here are some tips (or gibberish, whatever you call it) to make life more bearable:
  1. more likely, the guy that you want isn't into you. so why prolong the agony? scan the crowd. flirt with eligible bachelors.
  2. try to have a make over - personality make over. real males, (i assume) also value the soul...the total self thingy.
  3. improve communication skills. i know. it does sound overrated but it is effective (i bet!)
  4. give yourself a break. it is not fair that you always do the day dreaming... let the male species salivate over you. a date with your girlfriends might do the trick!
  5. carpe diem. i believe that we cannot change things over night. so while you're on the process, enjoy each stalking moment and face whatever obstacle you'll encounter ( you'll learn in time)

I wasting precious time over some worthless garbage...time to start working girl.

Waste Basket

Bury me alive.

Who will care? I am having my self pity in here...

Been striving so hard to be the best. I even gave up going out during friday nights. Now I am wallowing over lost days when I could have went out with my boyfriends.

Who's to blame? It's my choice...

Unfortunately, all the "sacrifices" and tears weren't enough. I have to give up my happiness.

So pathetic...tsk tsk




This would have been one of the most exciting saturdays of my damned life.

I got up early to prepare for school to have our paper checked.
Everything's fine, save for the delays and 'shittiness' that occurred. I can't seem to accept that I failed in my toilet training...I am so disgusted to what had happened.

What could have been worse than to see yourself running from a cafe to your house to relieve your bowel, eh? I ran as fast as I could but to no avail...I still shit on my pants.

This is an additional blunder to my already ruined reputation.
I am really in a state of total distraught. This sounds ridiculus and still I have the guts to write everything in here, minus the eeew details. My tummy still hurts. I still have the weird feeling of desire to relieve myself...from the evils of shits!
