Tuesday, June 26, 2012

At your service.

This is my third year in the healthcare industry. 
I've met a number of patients. 
Some of them are still living to date. Others had been called early.
Some of them have become friends. Others were discharged and forgotten.

Nevertheless, those who survived the big C are bound to return to give us a visit. 
I am not so thrilled with it.

I jokingly tell my patients that I want them to go home soon.
I don't want them to stay longer than 3 days. 

I often tell them to take care of themselves. 

They are immuno-compromised after the treatment. 
I do not want delays for their next session just because of the complications.

Many times, I see them wallowing over their condition. 
But in very special moments, they acknowledge God's miracle through you.

It is never my design to work with these patients.
Yet, He placed me here for a purpose even I cannot fathom til this time.


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