Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good Evening

Help. I am in dire need of your prayers and understanding. Soon, I'll be posting on my blog my problems. Who cares? After all, Nobody's reading this blog. Hahahaha!!! This is my diary. This is my escape from the cruel reality.

SoS File 1: I have cough. It's already a week on the making. I'm waiting to have this ripened (yuuum..euck!!!!)

SoS FIle 2: Ring Worm. I don't have to explain about this!!!!

Rx File 3: I have indicated the Rx thingy b'coz the doctor had prescribed medication on this - hypocalcemia + anemia.

SoS File 4: Pruritic Ani. This is serious!!! I am self-diagnosing my self and i am so worried right now.

SoS File 5: Painful thumb early in the morning. Now, I wonder if this the price I pay after all the "gaga" things I have done in the past.

Please understand. I have been crazy but I am repenting. I have done almost anything to satisfy my curiosity and had burned myself. After all those things, I finally found my peace (say, temporary stability, for now...hope to last!) and decided I want that, I want him and the future that we can create together. I have lied and I am ready to confess...

So help me God.

**Cross fingers

1 comment:

David said...

Eureka, I found it! Something that helps and it’s so simple and logical. I’ve suffered from rectal itch and then hemorrhoids most of my life and then on a trip to Thailand I discovered the bathroom sprayer. Some call it a bidet sprayer, I call it Heaven on Earth as it has completely solved my problem. It eliminates the need for rubbing with toilet paper and then washing with soap which just made it worse because it irritates and takes away you own natural oils that you need. I bought mine at http://www.bathroomsprayers.com and it was amazingly easy to install.